Friday, 19 November 2010

Nottingham Update 2 of 2 - Making pancakes!

Hey all!

Fueled by sugar and caffeine from Starbucks' Cinnamon swirl and Caramel Macchiato as well as a pint of Guiness, here's the second part of my update!

On the last morning of my stay in Nottingham, I made pancakes for Shin (she's been asking for the past few days but I kept over sleeping).

What did I use? Here's the estimated recipe:
300g flour,
3 tablespoon sugar,
1/2 tablespoon salt,
2 eggs,
A bit of milk,

Just crack the eggs into the flour and add water, not too much though, it's easy to add water but impossible to balance too much without making too many. Stir/whip it and add a bit of milk then water as necessary and add the salt and sugar. Keep mixing until you get about a sticky consistency but watery enough for it to not be tough to mix. Mix til you're satisfied with it or it has little or no bubbles and/or chunks of unmixed flour (This is best done with a whisk as using a fork or spoon as I traditionally did was difficult to do).

Then depending on the size of frying pan you using, you estimate how much butter you need, for the small pan I used a quarter tablespoon of butter. First time was too much :( And just fry it over medium-low heat.

Cooking is a trial and error learning process! Do it and get better, don't do and eat other's cooking :P
Here I'm frying the first "test" piece.
Taste testing the piece. I used 1.5 tablespoons of sugar initially and kicked it up to 3 in total.
It's based on preference really.
Frying one more and it looks better!
Too high heat! Need to tend to it quite a bit lol, so no leaving it to chat with friends on MSN.
The ones after that were brilliant! Shin likes em crispy round the edges and I've grown accustomed to making them like this.
Finished product! A stack of pancakes will definitely woo the boy/girl of your dreams.
Just add honey/butter/whatever you want on top and serve!

There you go people! Hope you enjoyed these posts! Check back frequently for updates :P



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