Monday 11 April 2011

Hop (Movie) Review

Hey guys,

Yesterday I went to watch Hop with Shin and will give you my quick 2 cents on it.

Synopsis: For ages the legacy of the Easter Bunny have lived on. Every year on Easter's day, he will visit the world spreading candies and nicely painted eggs. But will this age-old legacy end with EB who wants to be a drummer instead? He sets off to Hollywood to realise his dreams after his father crushes it. He meets Fred O'Hare who is just getting back on his feet and the escapades begin!

First and foremost, the names of the characters are unimaginative, I mean like, come on, EB? Easter Bunny? and O'Hare -___-

The movie features the voice of Russell Brand as EB (and even a cameo from himself), James Marsden as Fred O'Hare and Big Bang Theory's Penny, Kaley Cuoco as Fred's sister, Sam O'Hare. The movie even has a cameo from David Hasselhoff.

Storywise, it is just a Christmas Story repainted for Easter. There're flying Sleighs pulled by a flock of chicks, candy factory, the one-day time limit, and so on. Basically I'm unimpressed with the story and less could be said about the plot. Though it encompass two main characters whose fates intertwine, it is as flimsy as a straight men only naked beach party.

Fred is a lazy, no prospects character in the beginning who the only one who can relate with is probably a 30-year old WoW player living in his parents' basement. EB is a great drummer who his father forbids from going full time because he is to become the next Easter Bunny. He goes to Hollywood, meets Fred, meets Hasselhoff, gets chased by the "Pink Berets" (the Easter Bunny's elite guards) and in the end goes back to Easter Island to put things right.

The music in the movie was pretty enjoyable, because they were some pretty famous songs.

All in all I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you are watching it with a child, the kids seemed to enjoy it lol. There's just nothing to wow you; I expected better from the creators of Despicable Me; they shoulda just stuck with full animated movie rather than a cross over like in Alvin and the Chipmunks (which the director....directed).

I give this movie a 2/5 because it is lacking in so many ways. My favourite part was where EB poops jellybeans, enough said.



  1. hrmm...never even heard of trhe movie before, oh well, i guess that's one movie less to download hahaha

  2. Saw the poster, it looked nice lol.

    Shouldn't it be one "more"? Since it's not that hot for cinema lol

  3. lol cinema's here are showing a different 3D animated movie, Rio

    and is that supposed to be a fox on your blog header? xD

  4. It's a fox in the shape of kyubie from Mahou Shoujo Madoka hahaha. It's an internet meme, have a try of the animu :P
