Thursday 21 April 2011

Survived the odds! (of exams)

Hey all!

Finally exams are over and I can go back to normal sleep patterns and human functions of have fun and do nothing. But alas I still have 2 essays to complete so it is half sadface.

Anyways as you may or may not know (I don't remember if I had mentioned this) I had 5 exams in 3 days back to back. And no it's not as horrible as it sounds... it's WORSE.

Day 1 was the shittiest, motivation shattering, tag team crap papers ever! They even had the gall to ask questions that wasn't in a lecture but in one of our presentations. Now I'd be ok with that if they gave us a head's up on beforehand! But nooooooooooooo, they just threw it out there going "It's for teh lulz" Then after an instruction from our "course coordinator" to NOT bring calculators for the exams, BAM! A calculation question, which requires a calculator no doubt. Also the questions are worded like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, it's as if they got a 4yr old drunk and told him to write it the night before -___-

Day 2 was significantly better! Considering that I didn't study as much and fell asleep on my all nighter thinking "Hmm I'll take a nap for 20 minutes" at 3am in the morning. If you really want to pull an all nighter, DON'T fall into that temptation lolol. Basically I woke up at 6, rushed through the material, then went for exam. Before the second paper, I was pacing back and forth ranting to coursemates how doomed I am (because it's the one which I fell asleep revising) to their amusement. But luckily the questions were not too bad and survivable for the most part.

Day 3 (yesterday) was the best. I still fell asleep but at 5.45am; though my coursemates seemed surprised by this considering they know I didn't study anything until 1 week before lololol. The questions were relatively straightforward and worded nicely.

Post-exam on day 3, we went straight to the nearest supermarket and got food and booze and proceeded to the park area on our campus. It was sunny and they actually had a security guard to ask for ID in case the public wanted to use it HA! Anyways an afternoon of booze and baking in the sun followed. It was a bloody hot day to sit in the sun, though not as hot as Brunei, I'd say I agree with my friend who says it's about 25 degrees Celsius. I actually almost got drunk but controlled myself not to drink in my tipsy state lololol.

At about 5.30pm we went on to do karaoke and that lasted for 3 hours with my head throbbing but it was an awesome time with my mates (b ^.')

We finished at around 9 and the plan was to go to a bar but I can't take it anymore from lack of sleep, food and exhaustion so I went home. Still, it was a pretty sweet time, it was hard to believe (as it had yet sunk in) that exams were just 12 hours before and it felt like it sped through very quickly.

Anyways, hope everyone's well, I still have essays to do but now I can update a bit more than the past weeks haha.



  1. lol, hate exams too and usually revise last minute, i've always told myself not to do that again but i still did xD

    anyways, that was interesting, didnt got high, but me and my mates had several BBQ celebrations after the results were anounced :3 mind telling us what the subjects of your exams were?

  2. Hahaha! That sounded like myself: "usually revise last minute, I've always told myself not to do that again but I still did xD"

    Niiiiiiiiice, we wanted to do a BBQ too but it was probably too troublesome to set up haha. The topics I had were pathology, clinical aspects, legal aspects, human identification and toxicology :P

  3. Wow that's deeeep @_@
    do you guys autopsy on dead bodies too?

  4. Naw, stupid thing is you need to be a proper doctor to work in the field lol. So basically just a degree to buff the cv
