Monday, 7 May 2012


Hey all!

Man, I've been posting more in these few days than I've done in the past few months huh? Not that I'm proud of being inactive, mind you. Recently I've just gotten more of the feeling of when I started Tales. That brilliant feeling of wanting to share my thoughts with you readers, anonymous on the internet as an entity I don't know.

As always, thank you very much if you're a regular reader. It REALLY does mean a lot to me that you guys keep coming back for more random posts. As you might have seen, Fox's Tales isn't a specialist blog for food or hobbies. It's just my... pensive I guess. Just feeding thoughts into it and leave it as that.

On to what I want to say.

Many bloggers I've seen  have at least once or twice complained about microblogging sites such as Twitter. It's true that having a quick one liner that you agree with saves you time. But I do feel like doing so robs people of their writing aptitude. You don't need to think much and just say a sentence. That is, of course, only my personal views.

Hand in hand with these sites are apps like Instagram. Ironically, I don't mind using this app. Though it serves the same purpose of microblogging. Only using pictures. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I do feel like a hypocrite bashing Twitter but using Instagram, but meh, I use it out of satisfaction haha.

On the note of Instagram, if you want to follow me, find me at foxeh88. You'll see random pictures I don't post here. You won't be too disappointed with the picture feeds I assure you. ;D

I guess this post is totally a shameless plug to my probably near-zero reader base. But hey! At least you get a random post from me today too! Hahaha!

See you on Hipstergram!



  1. sup' fox, it certainly has been a while since i last visited your well as mine xD

    since you removed the chatbox on the right (too much spam? :P), i'll just randomly pick a post to say hi :D

    also, is it just me or does the fox on the header look a lil bit diff..

    also cant really say anything bout this post since i dont have instagram :/ meh
    hipster has gone mainstream!

    1. Hey ya Xyle! Hahaha Yeah I only recently got stuff to write on, but now I've gotten a bit busier!

      The chatbox I used was from Shoutmix or something, they removed the free service because that's all people wanted from them, a chatbox. So basically they're not making money LOL.

      Yup! Good eye! I changed the fox back to it's original state that was done for me by the artist!

      Doesn't matter about nothing to say haha! As long as there's a comment I'm happy to reply :P
