Saturday, 30 July 2011

Commenting comments that a commenter comment on a commentable... thing.

Hey guys!

Still lacking posts day by day but hey, at least I'm writing stuff from time to time so that you know Tales is not dead :>

Something just came to mind literally a few minutes ago. I enjoy reading comments. Why did I realise it now while I have been doing it for aaaaaaages escapes me. You see, it doesn't matter if I'm reading a blog, or watching a Youtube video or ever just looking at a Facebook photo, I will almost definitely scroll down to have a look at what people are saying.

There are so many things you can realise from taking people's opinion into account. Like something funny which you wouldn't have thought otherwise. Others make good arguments. But for the most part I enjoy the lol factor from reading comments. A video on Youtube will at least be twice as funny from the comments.

The negative side of things is just that there are lots of anonymous comments which involve racism, hate and so forth. That makes me sadface :<

So how about you, dear readers? Do you just watch the video and that's it? Or do you lurk and read like me? Or are you one of those avid commenters :P



  1. commenting on an article about comments!! Commentception! not deep enough, gotta go deeper!!

    commenting on my own comments in the comment box of an article about comments written by a comment enthusiast *'splode* xD

    i only read comments when i feel the need for a second opinion on the subject matter, wanting to know more, doubting or hoping for a link to more information. And i'll have to agree with all the points you mentioned regarding the funny and hate comments. very often i feel that if one's got nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all. but that's just meh :P

    also, i seldom leave comments unless i know the author xD
    sometimes it's just weird that you wanna leave a comment to show that you care but you don't really know what to say, case; DeviantArt. It's always; 'cool', 'nice', 'awesome', 'cool', 'pretty cool', and 'not bad'. but i guess that's a completely different thing coz you're supposed to actually critic when allowed or necessary. so, i think i've written an essay LOL

  2. also, are you gonna watch Captain America? i've watched it already, just wanna see what you think about it xD

  3. oh lol, one of my comment disappeared, i guess you're not meant to read it haha

  4. LOL, my comment page didn't have your comments anyways :/

    I wanna watch Captain America! I've anticipated it for quite a while but don't have the time yet. Probably go watch it on Tuesday or Wednesday :D

  5. And LOLOL! I found your comment, it was marked as spam. I wonder why :P Commentception!

    Ah I agree if you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything. I've watched a lot of videos on LoL and many have people raging about poster's skills/items/video in general. :/

    And yeah on dA the commenting are almost completely pointless methinks... It's like viagra for the artist's e-peen LOL

  6. spam? LOL i wonder....probably fell into limbo >__>

    yea, i notice that too, dont know why, but game videos in general tend to get a lot of hate :/ those haters are probably 12 years old which have nothing else better to do <__<

    u still dA-ing? xD i've not been there in ages! LOL

    will look forward to your Cap A review then..

  7. hatersgonnahate.gif haha

    Nawwwwwwwwww dA is so 2000 and late! XD

    Aww so nice :333 Feels nice to have someone look forward to something I write xD Thanks /hug

  8. LOL /hug (no homo) xD

    btw, out of topic question, is it true that people just have sex whenever and wherever they want to in the UK? @__@

  9. LOL Out of topic and random. Well I've yet seen any but I guess it's as common as back home. As long as no one sees you :P

  10. you're just saying that coz your gf's reading this blog too amiright?

    just gimme a wink to confirm *wink* LOL

    either that or it depends on the uni u go to, the one my friend went to was Kingston :O

  11. Lolololol I think she does from time to time but that's not the point. I've never really seen or heard about it in my 4 years here. Maybe I'm just oblivious LOL
