Thursday 19 May 2011

Belgium Trip 2011 - Day 3 - Eternal Christmas Shop

Hey guys!

I recently went to Nottingham to spend some time with Shin as she will return to Brunei very soon :C (which was also part of the reason why I didn't really post anything) Anyhoo, continuing from the Belgium trip posts, during Day 3 we went to Bruges.

One of the shops we encountered which I thought was pretty cool was this one which looked as if it was Christmas everyday! It was pretty cool and the items and knick knacks looked pretty well made as well! Sadly though we had a time constraint to find one of the boat tours so we didn't spend as much time looking at the stuff as I would've liked :P
One of the aisles.
 Fluffy stuffs! They were a bit pricey if I remembered correctly
 Christmas trees and ornaments!
 Dizzy just looking skimming through what they had...
 Miniature Noah's ark! It was cute and there were other stuff from the Bible I think.
 Frosty the snowman?!
 This lion statue thing was so adorable, I wanted to get it but I was flat broke.... 
!!!!!!! Miniatures! I love miniatures!
 How can you not like these things when they're nicely made like this~
 And a flock of cute sheeps~

After this shop we went on to the boat ride! More to come!

Thanks for reading~



  1. I don't know why but I love miniatures too LOL

    paragraph 2, 2nd sentence "I was pretty cool..." hell yea you are haha xD

  2. Yes I was >:D Lmao damn it my proof reading failed me again.

    Yay! Another one who's into miniatures :D
