Thursday 14 June 2012

2 Days of LiveWire Brunei - Bright Ideas

Hey all!

Just got back from a full day of activities and learning from an event by Brunei's LiveWire called Bright Ideas (BI). It's basically a little two day seminar aimed at teaching people the basics on how to start a business. I actually participated in another event a few weeks back called BSOM.

The turnout for the BI was alright, just 11 people including myself. I actually wanted to join 2 weeks ago however, it clashed with training at AIA. But I can finally join yay! And guess what, it's only $30! I believe that this event was a pretty good cool down and eye-opener for myself personally as well as professionally. We were thrown questions and when answered, the answer was questioned too until it concentrates down to a point. It's a pretty good two-way learning experience where trying is encouraged and there is no 100% right answer.

Most of the people who joined are the youths either in upper six form or in university or going to university. It felt fresh but many of them were quite shy; something they'll soon weed out when in University I'd reckon hahaha.

When I joined the first event, BSOM, I always felt a but awkward during introductions to the speakers... It was always name then "I'm a fresh graduate from so-and-so and I'm currently waiting for work". It didn't feel bad but it didn't feel good either; guess it was the feeling of not contributing? This time I can proudly say I'm employed as an insurance agent from AIA.

I don't really know how I feel about people's perception of me. A part of me am proud of who I am and what I do. The other part of me gets REALLY pissed off at so-called "friends" who not only bash what I do, but worst still, don't pick up my calls or reply my texts and so on.

OK, I'm getting derailed from the topic. Guess I just want to let off some steam hahaha.

Anyways about LiveWire, I first saw an ad by LiveWire when I was in "Sims mode" looking at the newspaper everyday to see if there are any job vacancies available. The ad I saw was for BSOM, thinking I got nothing to do than waste away at home anyway, I went for it; it costed only $65 for 4 full days. Instantly, 4 days of my week was filled for once. BSOM was thoroughly satisfying in both what I learned as well as the people I met.

There's nothing much I can say here that will do them justice so if you really have an interest to start a business I do urge you to join it. You will not regret it I assure you.

If you wish to learn more, here's their website:

All the best!



  1. lol what the hell, the sudden rant xD
    and you're an insurance agent from AIA? seriously?
    at least you're an agent, and that's cool~ haha
    how did you get from CSI to insurance? :s
    i thought you're bonded with the govt?
    is AIA a govt company?
    or you just wanna get working exp?
    sorry if im asking too many question, just curious

  2. Lololol insta-rant is always satisfying.
    Yeah I'm in AIA, though not seeing it as a permajob.
    I am bonded to gov, but no job what do? xD AIA is a private company.
    I'm in it cos I had nothing to do, now I'm back to doing nothing :P
