Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Back in Brunei!

Hello readers!

This is a quick update to just say that I'm back in home sweet home, Brunei! I reached yesterday and am still getting used to it abit (not to mention passing out this afternoon as my bed was too comfy >.>) I also passed out in the first half of the flight as I was playing LoL all night long in my little hotel room in Heathrow airport :>

Then after a 15 hour flight with a 1 hour transit in Dubai, I'm here and man I don't know but Brunei is hotttttttttttttttttttt :< I'm missing the free airconditioning in the UK already! Also missing my Shin D:... Hopefully I can Skype with her tomorrow morning as I have to wake up real early to bring my siblings to school!

All in all nothing much is up yet other than I got my driver's license renewed and am glad the rumours about if you don't renew it within 6 months of expiry, you'd have to retake the driving exam is false. They actually give you a really lenient time of 3 years of expiration before you'd have to do that!

Haven't had much of the food from here yet! Looking forward to that.

Anyways sorry for the lack of updates :< I still need to get the Madiera stuff online D:

Keep coming!
