Tuesday 21 June 2011

Cat Caught Barking!

Hey ya guys!

Just wanna share this video with you all. Basically the cat is barking and when it realised he was seen, he went "Abort mission! Abort mission!"

I've seen it multiple times and yet it still amuses me.... Probably the strength of procrastination lol. But it makes you wonder though.... What does your cat do when you're not there? Lolol.

Speaking of LoL, recently there was a championship for League of Legends held at Dreamhack in Sweden. The team that won was Fnatic and the games seen were pretty spectacular.

Nothing much recently to update sadly :< Thanks for reading all! Will post if I find anything else that's interesting :P



  1. pfft, that's nothing, my cat can sing in French!

  2. Lolololol video w/o edit or it didn't happen

  3. LOL too bad i don't have a camcorder :P

  4. Soooooooooooooooooooooo It didn't happen :P Hahahaa
