Hi there readers! It's been a while (as usual) since I've updated. The recent weeks I've been training for a fitness test where I have to run 2.4km or 1.5 miles or 6 laps in at least 12 minutes. And I have to say, it's a massive difference between running on the treadmill and on the track itself. Long story short, running on the track for the first time last week totally destroyed whatever stamina I thought I've built up by training on the treadmill in the gym. Fortunately I soon got used to it and though performance-wise it wasn't as good, there have been improvements.
Yesterday I trained at a track and field next to le gf's house with le gf. It was a beautiful day and I am still wondering how I woke up at 6am to run. The track and field was quite new I reckon, really well maintained! Praise to the school if it isn't new haha.
Somehow the track felt small though, which made me wonder if it's really 400m per lap. But regardless, I was only doing stamina training so it was fine. I'm quite proud of my time:
However I'm not happy by the fact that I took one break after 30mins though I stopped the timer (kinda felt like I was cheating) as well as I kinda felt the fatigue get to me towards the end and had to walk for about 1 minute on the timer. When it comes to stamina training, for me, as I start to tire time seems to go slower and slower.
In this case as I ran for what seems like 10 minutes, in my mind it was like this:
And only about 1-2 minutes have passed. Okay.jpg
Oh! Though I find that running with headphones/earphones on with music playing is a good motivation and distraction from the pain.Which brings me to when I was on cooldown and just walking the track, this song came up:
I don't know why, but when it came to the chorus, it made me smile like some I don't know...
That's all peeps! Train hard play hard!